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How To Find The Best Legal Translation Services In Dubai

Dec 31, 2021
How To Find The Best Legal Translation Services In Dubai | AL Syed Legal Translation

Best legal translation services in Dubai aren’t as straightforward as they appear. Legal translators work in a variety of forms, making communication easier and ensuring legal compliance. Their job includes deciphering and interpreting jargon, as well as seeing through cultural quirks, traditions, and legalese to get to the heart of a statement while maintaining precision in the translation.

The 6 Characteristics of Best Legal Translation Services in Dubai

It might be difficult to distinguish between untrustworthy legal translators and interpreters and professionals, especially if you are unfamiliar with your target culture. As a result, we’ll go through the important characteristics you should seek in the best legal translation services in Dubai in this part.

These characteristics are:

  • Legal knowledge
  • Professional native translators 
  • An interdisciplinary group
  • An appropriate amount of automation
  • ISO-certified quality assurance process 
  • Secrecy

Legal knowledge

Legal documents are not something that every translator is familiar with. This form of translation necessitates a high level of topic area knowledge. At the end of the day, all legal translators must have a fundamental understanding of the discipline for which they are translating. 

Therefore, literary translation is an unusual example. It’s a common misconception that literary translators don’t require subject area competence, only bilingual knowledge and innovation. That is untrue.

A literary translator must understand how prose styles work, what aspects make up a prose style, and how to transfer these characteristics across languages so that the foreign reader may fully appreciate the book. 

Moreover, a literary translator must also be well-versed in the genre of literature being translated. Within a composition, direct and indirect connections to other literary works are prevalent. A translator who isn’t in on the humor will misinterpret these references.

Knowing how the legal systems work makes a huge impact when it comes to legal translation. When contacting a legal translation business in Dubai, you have to inquire about several things.

Professional native translators

When compared to non-natives, native language linguists usually have an advantage. If you’re looking for the best legal translation services in Dubai, make sure the company you choose has a team of native Arabic speakers on staff.

Native speakers will be able to interpret the cultural nuances of a contract or document in a way that non-natives operating from overseas will not be able to. Alternatively, your translation services company may provide you non-natives who have lived in your target market as translators. 

In some cases, these translators have the same cultural understanding as native speakers. Working with these translators might be especially advantageous if they also have relevant legal experience.

An interdisciplinary group


The best legal translation services in Dubai do more than merely translate documents. Your translation company should provide you with a document that is ready to send to your business partners or to be submitted to government departments or local governments. So, this cannot be accomplished solely through translation. 

Your language service provider should also be able to change the formatting of the document to match the newly translated content. Furthermore, desktop publishing services, which are frequently included in legal and corporate translation packages, are used to do this.

Interdisciplinary groups are used by the leading legal translation services in Dubai and worldwide to address your project on multiple levels.

The appropriate amount of automation

As you might expect, legal translation necessitates meticulous attention to detail and sensitivity to context. As a result, putting such a delicate procedure in the hands of an automatic translation program is unfathomable. However, there are numerous situations in which machine translation can be beneficial: legal material is repetitious and dull, and subject-specific jargon is routinely utilized.

Professional legal translators must create translation memories, and it is always necessary to manually check whether the translation software’s output is correct. However, having a machine handle the majority of the monotonous duties frees up people to concentrate on the overall text quality. Human expertise and intelligently deployed technology are used to provide the best legal translation services in Dubai.

ISO-Certified quality assurance processes

The quality assurance procedure determines the success of a translation project. Quality control methods are built in the workflow of the firms providing the best legal translation services in Dubai, and they execute what is known as 3-EYE TEP.

Three separate linguists (or groups) are in charge of translation, editing, and proofreading in the 3-EYE TEP. Therefore, companies who use 3-EYE TEP can be assured of a wide range of criteria. So, team members examine the project from many perspectives to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

The translator (or translation groups) converts the content from one language to another while also performing some internal editing to ensure a high level of quality. However, in direct collaboration with the translators, the editing team will recommend and apply modifications, avoiding ambiguity and ensuring a functional translation.

These teams will send the text to the desktop publishing team, who will recreate the document’s layout and adjust it to the new content, local norms, and more once their high standards have been fulfilled. Finally, the proofreading team will double-check that the text has been properly integrated into the layout. They will, for example, ensure that no sentences are missing.

This procedure is carried out with the assistance of translation software, which makes it dynamic, confidential, and safe. It’s also monitored by the project manager, who sets the project’s objectives in accordance with the legal translation company’s guidelines.


Secrecy is inextricably related to the need for ISO-certified processes. Legal documents are particularly sensitive, and they frequently contain sensitive company information that should not be shared with competitors or the general public. As a result, locating a legal translation services provider entails much more than simply locating someone who can interpret legal papers.

Your language partner should not handle your sensitive papers across untrustworthy networks or cloud-based applications. So, your information will never be leaked, misappropriated, or stolen because the best legal translation services in Dubai use strong security precautions. Pre-vetting the linguists who will be in charge of your project is one of the least technical but most significant of these processes.

One of the reasons why a legal language services provider will be a better fit for your company than an individual translation is the need for utmost secrecy.


We are among the top Legal translation companies in Dubai that you could trust. If you decide to work with us, you’ll receive the top legal translation services that cover all kinds of translations that you may require. Our expert team with certified translators in Dubai has worked with major companies over time. All of our clients return to us whenever they require innovative legal language translation solutions in Dubai.