• Sat. May 4th, 2024

All You Need To Know About Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment

Aug 9, 2022
Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment Rental in Dubai

If you’re an interpreter who is looking to make the right investments in equipment to ensure that your hard-earned cash isn’t wasted you’ve come to the right place. We’ll provide you with the most comprehensive information on what to buy. As this is a beginner-to-advanced stage guide, let’s begin with the most important terms you need to understand before you buy any simultaneous interpretation equipment Dubai.

Translation Vs. Interpretation:

Legal translation services are simply the process of converting something from one language into the other, whether either text or oral. Simultaneous interpretation services are, however, only applicable to spoken words and can only be done at the moment, whether at a workshop, meeting conference, etc.

Consecutive Interpretation:

This is the case when you have an interpreter who is in real-time at any time. For instance, you’re in a Chinese workshop and you’re speaking only a few words, and the interpreter repeats them in Chinese to the audience. It is not necessary to have any interpretation equipment for this type of interpreter but it can disrupt the flow of conversation.

Simultaneous Interpretation:

Imagine you’re at the Chinese workshop once more, this time as an audience member. It’s a speaker speaking Chinese however, you can hear the speech in English by using a specific set of headphones provided by the organizers. This despite the cost being high, allows for the smooth flow of the speech.

Floor Language:

This is the language that is spoken by the speaker. The one that the legal translation is made into is referred to as”the target” language. There could be multiple target languages depending on the amount your setup can be able to afford.

Systems and Their Types, Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Simultaneous Interpretation

Infrared Systems:

They utilize the same technology that TV remotes do and transmit an interpreted feed to the viewers via invisible light pulses. In this way, people can hear spoken words in their audio with headphones. Here are some important points to help you know more about infrared systems.

  • Infrared signals require a clear line of sight for the viewers
  • The emitters should be placed above the audience, and they should be exposed to detect signals
  • A higher amount of emitters allows for more coverage
  • Infrared systems can be sensitive to any light interference; for instance, bright flashlights
  • Radio interference isn’t harmful to these systems.

Handheld Digital Systems (Medium Range)

These systems use radio waves to send out the transmission of the translated feeds. The receivers are multi-channel headsets to hear. These are the most important characteristics of digital handheld systems:

  • They’re lightweight and can be carried around easily, so you can transport your equipment around without any difficulty
  • Contrary to infrared systems receivers and transmitters do not need to be exposed, which is why they’re ideal for people such as tour guides.
  • It is easy to customize the system to work with different languages simultaneously using the multi-channel configuration feature.
  • The advance digital systems also have interference-cancelling and encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of speech
  • The smaller the size and the less extensive the range.
  • The FM signals are easily able to penetrate through walls, therefore no line of sight is required.
  • They are not affected by any interference from light, making them ideal for outdoor events.

Long-Range Portable FM Systems

These systems are great for large-scale events since they can easily go over 1,000 feet. However, a higher power consumption means that the machines are less mobile. They can, naturally be moved about, but they’ll require a higher price to set up and remove it. The most important features are:

  • They have great sound quality.
  • Long-range FM systems for portable use are component-based. This means they can be customized to suit your needs.
  • They are invincible to light interference
  • Cost-efficient for large-scale audiences
  • Although they’re mobile, the listeners and speakers must remain close to the transmitters that are fixed.

5 Things to Consider Before Making a Decision to Invest in Equipment for Simultaneous Interpretation Dubai

  1. How many people attending your event require language support? This must be decided before the day of the event to ensure that you purchase the appropriate receivers.
  2. How many various languages will need to be simultaneously translated at the time of the event? This will assist you in determining the amount of transmitters you will need to purchase.
  3. What is the location where an interpreter will set up his equipment at the location of the event? Are there enough spaces at the rear of the stage? Do we require an audio-proof booth?
  4. How portable can this system’s capabilities be? Should it also be mobile or simply mobile? Many systems are definitely mobile, but their size and weight determine the distance you can transport them, so it is advisable to look into this according to your budget and comfort.
  5. What is the efficiency of the venue? Do you have enough space to allow for a line of sight between the transmitter and receiver? This will allow you to choose between infrared and FM signals because infrared signals are unable to be used without a line sight.

I hope that this article has given you an in-depth guide on how to select the appropriate equipment for you. This is certainly not an easy task to accomplish as it requires not only a significant sum of money but an enormous amount of study you have to conduct taking into account even the smallest aspects of your target audience.

Another way to ensure you get your simultaneous interpretation equipment in Dubai at the right cost is to constantly look at prices from different vendors. It may take an additional moment, however, you could happen to be lucky and get the equipment for sale at a reasonable cost from one of the vendors.